Blue Finance is a good place to bounce up

Blue Finance provides an encouraging working environment for students and recent graduates. Read the story of Sara, who found her ideal work in the field of financial services at Blue Finance, and how she was taken with the exciting atmosphere of the company.

Back in the spring of 2020 during the corona outbreak, Sara Ansaharju, 26, had an empty calendar for the summer. The global situation had brought Sara away from her business studies at Lund University in Sweden back to home surroundings in Turku, Finland.

”I was looking for a summer job and at the same time writing my bachelor’s thesis. There didn’t seem to be any jobs available in Turku where I could gain some experience in the financial services sector.”

However, Sara took notice of Blue Finance’s advertisement on an online recruiting service for a credit handler to join the Blue Finance Credit team. The advertisement mentioned an energetic and modern work environment, and Sara was sold.

“It all fell into place. Turku, financial services sector and a good team. Everything I wished for,” Sara expresses her feelings.


Finding new avenues through an ever-developing environment

Sara accepted the position of credit handler in the Credit team. Initially, her job included processing credit applications, making payment plans, and customer service. The momentum at Blue Finance is fast-paced and her job description evolved significantly during one year.

”It’s incredible how fast things changed with automation. Naturally, development work also shaped our team members’ job description, and quite soon credit application processing was one of the jobs automated. Through automation we were able to focus more and more on customer service and solving customers’ problems. All in all, development efforts made the work and working practices more efficient,” Sara explains.


Responsibility counterbalanced by flexibility and the support of a good team

Continuous changes call for flexibility and the ability to adapt to new situations.

”Things are changing really fast and adapting to new situations has become a day-to-day routine in our working life. I was positively surprised at how quickly I was given responsibility – and I gladly accepted it. I believe the experience will be very useful in the future.”

Blue Finance has given Sara a great foundation for success in the future.

”I now know in practice how a financial services company works and just how much goes on in the background. There’s far more to it than just granting credit.

Sara considers Blue Finance’s strength as being its quick responsiveness. Because everything is online, it’s possible to respond promptly to changes. However, it all comes down to competent and pleasant colleagues to make our credit team succeed.

”The atmosphere in our own team was always good and motivating and I’ll miss it. They are a great bunch of guys,” Sara says.


Providing valuable working life experience with a chance for personal improvement

Working in the Blue Finance Credit team is a great start for students and recent graduates who are interested in the financial services sector. Sara says that the company provides support, flexibility and a great team.

It’s ok to make mistakes, as long as you fix them and learn from them.

”You can do the job with a positive attitude, but it also requires accuracy and absolute reliability. Of course, you’ll be given good orientation to everything.

Even though Sara is a bit sad to leave Blue Finance, she is ambitious as she will give her last year of studies all her effort and dedication.

“This was a good experience as a student,” Sara says.

Going forward, Sara wants to remain in her current sector and look for more demanding work.

”Maybe at Blue Finance,” Sara says.


Blue Finance encourages training and supports the development of their employees.

“It’s entirely to our advantage when our employees train and learn something new. We’re pleased to be flexible so that work and studies collaborate suitably with each other. Although Sara now wants to focus on her studies, we hope we’ll see her again at Blue Finance,” says Marcus Ruokolahti, Credit Manager at Blue Finance.

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